One of the great insights from Warren Buffett on investment is :
investing is most intelligent when it is most business like;
I am a better investor because I am a businessman and
a better businessman because I am an investor.
When investing, we are actually "buying a business".
From the book "The Warren Buffett Way", it was said that we need to look at management tenet, business tenet, financial tenet and market tenet.
Let’s take a look into who are the gurus in management and their ideas.
Recommending 2 books:
1. the Handy guide to the gurus of management
This book is written by Charles Handy who himself is a management guru.
BBC website has some texts (pdf files), audio and explanation on their contributions to management.
Handy guide summary
Management gurus mentioned are Charles Handy, Peter Drucker, Tom Peters, Warren Bennis, Sumantra Ghoshal, Kenichi Ohmae, Gary Hamel, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Bill Gates, Ricardo Semler, Michael Porter , Fons Trompenaar and Charles Hampden Turner.
2. The Ultimate Business Library: the greatest books that made management by Stuart Crainer
This book shows a good summary of management gurus, their books and their ideas. A good read.