Sometimes, we may not have the money or time to attend formal lectures/talks/seminar.
However, we can learn through online learning at our own free time, own pace.
Many of these online lectures/talks are free :-)
MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OCW website
MIT courses' materials for many disciplines are put online..
Look for Economics, Sloan School of Management
MIT World
MIT World website
Look for Business/Leadership, Economics, Innovation/invention etc.
This website has lots of video by great speakers..
On business alone, we can find Jack Welch, Carly Florina,Peter Senge, Negroponte, Muhammad Yunus, LesterThurow, Bill Gates.... wow :-)
OOPS website
this is the chinese version of OpenCourseWare..
course materials for many other universities too..
OOPS video
OOPS video website
Chinese version of "MIT World" + video of presentationin Taiwan..
Open Learn
Open Learn website
UK version.
RePEc in February 2025
2 weeks ago