Today I will blog on something light-hearted. A story, instead of data or resources.
I like this insightful story very much. I read it in a book titled "Wisdom of Jews" (a chinese book).
One day, a man went to visit a Jewish Rabbi trying to seek on knowledge from the Rabbi.
Below were their conversation:
Rabbi: "This event happened in 12th century in United States of America. One day, two men came down from the same chimney. One’s face was smeared, the other’s face was clean, which one would wash his face first ?"
Man: "The one with a smeared face."
Rabbi: "No. It’s the one with the clean face, as he saw the other man having a smeared face."
Man: "Oh ya. That’s right. I understand now."
Rabbi: : "This event happened in 12th century in United States of America. One day, two men came down from the same chimney. One’s face was smeared, the other’s face was clean, which one would wash his face first ?"
Man (feeling confused): "Of course it’s the one with the clean face, as he saw the other man having a smeared face. Why do you ask again ?"
Rabbi: "You should ask, "Why both men came down from the same chimney, yet one face is clean, the other face is smeared ?""
Insights from the story:
When the man answered the smeared-face man would wash his face,
his scope : the one with smeared face
When the answer is the clean-face man would wash his face,
his scope: both men and their interactions (seeing each other after coming down)
questioning the implicit assumption : the one with smeared-face would wash his face first
When the question is raised about the impossibility of one smeared-face man, one clean-face man,
scope: both men, same chimney
questioning the implicit assumption of: one smeared-face man, one clean-face man, coming down from the same chimney
When we get whatever data/knowledge/model, we would need to know the scope and think hard on its implicit assumption. Be professionally skeptical on data you get !
There is continuation from the story…
Rabbi (asked again): "This event happened in 12th century in United States of America. One day, two men came down from the same chimney. One’s face was smeared, the other’s face was clean, which one would wash his face first ?"
Man (feeling confused again): ……
Think deeply on it… Would you be able to answer the Rabbi’s question ?
(Note: the answer is not: "Why both men came down from the same chimney, yet one face is clean, the other face is smeared ?")
(Hint: Go one more level up…)
Think again before mouse over the following paragraph..
Answer: The event didn’t happen at all. United States of America was non-existent in 12th century. It was founded in 1776.
Scope: the time it happens, 2 men, chimney
questioning the implicit assumption of: what the Rabbi said is true
We need to question the validity of the medium carrying the data/knowledge/model too !
RePEc in February 2025
2 weeks ago