We can get US Economic Indicators from this website.
Its data sources are US Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
We can find out what are the economic indicators, source, frequency and date of release.
I try out its email updates. When there are updates, an email will be sent to my Inbox directly.
In case we want to check for data when it’s released, refer to "US Economic Indicators – calendar for 2009". This PDF file shows date and time release of particular economic indicator.
We can also go directly to US Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to access the data.
What are the significances of these economic indicators ?
I find this book " The Atlas of Economic Indicator – a visual guide to market forces and the Federal Reserve" useful and simple to refer to.
However, do bear in mind that there is a lag between the date data is released and period it is used to measure. This in a way limits its usefulness.
RePEc in January 2025
2 weeks ago