A lot can be learnt from past banking crisis and their solutions.
US’s Congressional Oversight Panel has lined up few experts for testimonies about banking crisis and their solutions.
Experts' views on past banking crisis and lesson learnt
The testimonies by these experts are compiled in the website above.
We can learn a lot about banking crisis listed below, solutions used then and insights gain:
1. Great Depression in 1930s;
2. Savings and Loan collapse in the 1980s: the solution then was Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC);
3. Banking Crisis in Japan in early 1990s;
4. Banking Crisis in Sweden in early 1990s (This solution is what they called "Nordic Capitalism – the future of capitalism"). Refer to my previous related post.
What will US (and the world) use as a solution to current financial crisis ?
My other related posts on:
Europe investment, financial crisis, US investment.
RePEc in February 2025
2 weeks ago