Investment Guru - Marc Faber

Marc Faber’s GloomBoomDoom website is insightful.

We can see his investment style and biography from the “About Marc Faber” section.

Some books authored or co-authored by Marc Faber: (I search in Amazon)
  • Tomorrow’s Gold : Asia’s age of discovery
  • Zukunftsmarkt Asien (in German)
  • Riding the Millennial Storm: Marc Faber’s path to profit in the financial markets
  • The Goldwatcher: demystifying gold investing (he wrote the Foreword)
  • The Great Swindle: the story of the South Sea Bubble (he wrote the introduction)
Books on him, his investment, investment style etc :
  • Riding the Millenial Storm
  • Trading the World Markets
There is some old free sample in “GloomBoomDoom Report” and “Market Commentary” in the website. These are no longer free and require subscription. However, we can get a glimpse of how Marc Faber’s reports are like from these sample reports.

I would like to bring your attention to: the “Resources” section in his website. It is extremely useful, especially for peoples who wish to learn on investment analysis.

In the “Links” subsection, there are “Recommended websites” and “Recommended money managers”. A long list of websites are given, divided into many categories.

In “Investment wisdom” subsection, we can see some articles by him (I strongly think that these are articles by him that he thinks are the best of his ideas), Marc Faber’s top 6 investment books, recommended newsletter.

He recommends many books to understand economics and financial markets too: PDF

From the “Lifestyle” section, I saw these words:
“…..Investing has a lot to do with common sense and personal observations. The man on the street frequently knows far more about the state of the economy than politicians, university professors and financial analysts who seldom travel, or if they do so, only from one first class hotel to another first class hotel and from one golf course to another…..”

How true these words of wisdom !

An archive of his articles in Daily Reckoning.

There is a blog tracking Marc Faber’s ideas and I have put it in my investment bloglist. Though the blog may not be his but it is a good way to track Marc Faber’s ideas.

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